Friday, January 6, 2012


When you stop, suddenly, and think about your life, your days and your moments in this world, something you never give such a great attention rises up from the dust. In silence, no mourns about its cruel absence. And you can't give an explanation to its absence but a lack of time. What you really are comes out and you discover things you are hiding for too long because you don't have time to dedicate to them. TIME. And you were wrong, of course.
 a book, a pic, an image, a flower, a parfum, a cup of tea, a ring, a jewel, a clock.
Pieces of a memory, pieces of you fixed in the heart and closed inside a drawer, with the key lost somewhere. And you find the key, now, when you must stop and take a little time to breathe.
Bless every breath I'll take from now to ever.


  1. bellissimo. davvero bellissimo. ti sei superata!

  2. che cara, vorrei darti un bacio.sapessi cosa mi ha ispirata per queste parole...ti aggiorno con una mail<3>3<3

  3. Essendo che sono col cell ed essendo che non conosco molto bene l'inglese :D ,domani mi ricollego dal pc e traduco il tuo post. Dovevo assolutamente passare a ringraziarti x il commento che mi hai lasciato. <3 son contenta di avere delle followers come te! Un abbraccio bella mia!

  4. Bellissime foto :D Reb, xoxo.
    PS: Ho appena pubblicato un post dedicato al VINTAGE, passa a dare
    un'occhiata, mi farebbe piacere avere un tuo parere..eccoti il link:


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