Monday, November 14, 2011




Key West is the last of the Florida Keys, a coral archipelago in South Florida. 
The most important street here is Duval street, where lots of restaurants, pub, hotels, b&b and stores are open for thousand of visitors every day. 
Many of the residence were from the Bahamas and Cuba is only at 90 miles from here: in my first photo, we are standing on the southern most point of the continental U.S.A.
In the island you can find:
Harry S. Truman's white winter house,
Ernest Hemingway's house near the Lighthouse,
an Native American, looking for something,
a dog wearing pirate clothes ( or a pirate pretending to be a dog),
colorful butterflies and parrots,
lovely white houses...
I ate in "Cafè Tropical", just in front of the Historical Museum, a tipical cuban sandwich,a piece of key lime pie ( tipical Key West's cheese cake made with the limes of the island) and Checco took the most tasty tacos I've ever find! You might try them!
From Miami Beach To Key West  is quite 3.5 hours by car but the beauty of this place is the most deserved award after a long trip!


  1. Ciao Giuls!
    grazie per essere passata da me!!!!
    Si direi che la stella è la stessa! E' bello vedere che abbiamo percepito le stesse sensazioni!
    P.S.: il cane nelle tue foto è sensazionale!

    1. e vedessi come si faceva immortalare volentieri dai passanti!^^

  2. Che ridere alla vista del cane! xD
    Che meraviglia le case *__* ne sono innamorata da sempre!

    1. se passi di lì ce ne era una in vendita che era una favola..e il cagnolone era proprio a due passi:)


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