Saturday, October 26, 2013

Silvia Nodari's collection

Some pictures taken by Valeria Lovato Ph. this summer for the collection of our friend Silvia Nodari.
Other outfit here
Thanks to Gianluca Fonderico and Andrea Dal Martello

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Have a Nice Fall Week-end!


What are your plans for this weekend?
I'm going to have a walk in the country side with my dog tomorrow afternoon, if the sun will shine!
Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web...

freundevonfreunden  love this magazine about people and houses;

jessicabarensfeld a jewels designer based in New York City;

sachamaric a great young photographer;

lynnandlawrence a creative couple and a beautiful website;

handsomefrank one of my favorite illustrators;

riflemade  graphic inspiration;

airbnb if you need a place to stay in the world.

Monday, September 2, 2013


One of my fav place in New York City is of course Central Park. 
I've spent some hours there a winter morning: had fun with the squirrels, walked around the paths, looked at the huge lake called "Reservoir".

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Last week I was on vacation. The wonderful Sardinia inspired this brand new amazing video directed by laforetdesrenards. Enjoy the colors, the sun, and the sea. Sometimes you will see me on the screen. Hope you'll like it and please comment and share, thank you from the heart.

click on the link below:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Quote of the day

“May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”

J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship Of The Ring

Friday, April 12, 2013

L'Atelier: Intervista ad Ilaria

Durante il mio viaggio a Berlino (che trovate QUI) ho avuto il piacere di conoscere una splendida ragazza che, come me, studia Architettura a Venezia. Ad un passo dalla laurea magistrale in Architettura per la Conservazione allo Iuav, Ilaria si è messa in gioco credendo ai suoi sogni e iniziando un'avventura che le sta dando grandi soddisfazioni: un laboratorio creativo in cui prendono vita abiti raffinati e confezionati con amore. L'Atelier, infatti, da modo a ciascuna ragazza di poter indossare qualcosa di interamente fatto a mano e realizzato a partire da chiffon, sete e tessuti eleganti. Stabile a Pordenone ma con una mente cosmopolita, si lascia ispirare dal mondo che la circonda e da un'altra passione che la accompagna da sempre: la danza.
Con grande onore, ho avuto modo di porle alcune domande che condivido con voi: Buona Lettura!

Quando è nato “ L'atelier”? 
Ufficialmente nel Luglio 2012 quando ho creato la pagina facebook dedicata. Per me però esisteva già da tempo: scherzando, descrivevo la mia stanza come un "Atelier" perchè è il luogo dove nascono e prendono vita le mie idee .

Cosa ti ha spinto a iniziare a creare abiti?
Come la maggior parte delle ragazze, fin da piccola ho sempre adorato indossare abiti da principessa e spesso giocavo a creare abiti "fantastici" con i tessuti che ritrovavo per casa, come lenzuola, tende o altro.. questo è stato l'esordio. Successivamente crescendo, guardando le sfilate e le riviste ammiravo quegli abiti di alta moda e li avrei voluti a tutti i costi! Vista l'impossibilità di acquistarli per ovvi motivi, ho iniziato a realizzarli da me! Non copiando ciò che vedevo ma adattandolo a me e ai miei gusti.

Qual è il concept delle tue collezioni?
Semplicità, eleganza, colore, seduzione. In questo ordine.
Less is more. Ciò vale per l'architettura e per me anche per tutto il resto. La semplicità vince su tutto. Un abito fatto di linee essenziali e chiare, con poche cose e ben definite, cattura l'occhio.
Eleganza, l'abito è obbligato a mantenerla. Non deve mettere in mostra la persona, ma valorizzarla mantenendo equilibrato il gioco del vedo non vedo.
Il colore è vita, gli abiti nascono con un proprio colore, compreso il bianco ed il nero.
La seduzione è il tocco finale di un abito. L'abito deve aiutare a sedurre chi ci sta modo da trasmettere qualcosa di noi verso l'esterno e in modo da avvicinare l'esterno a noi.

A quali stilisti maggiormente fai riferimento?
Fino ad ora quelli che seguo maggiormente sono Elie Saab, Dolce&Gabbana, Les Copains, Blumarine, BurberryProrsum, Christian Dior, DKNY.

Produci da sola tutte le tue creazioni? Come hai imparato a destreggiarti con la macchina da cucire? 
Si realizzo tutto io. Mi viene un idea, che è come un'illuminazione, vengo assuefatta da questa idea e finchè non la concretizzo non sono tranquilla. Butto giù uno schizzo per fissare le parti salienti, poi vado alla ricerca del tessuto e si parte con il taglio e il cucito. Con la macchina da cucire, si prova, si sbaglia, si riprova...finchè si inizia a capire come funziona!

Come fare per visionare o acquistare i tuoi capi?
Per ora attraverso la pagina facebook L'Atelier si possono vedere tutti i vari modelli e mi potete contattare personalmente. Prossimamente è prevista l'apertura di mio sito personale.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The artist Marina Abramovic did a 2010 performance art piece at the Museum of Modern Art, where she sat in a chair, and, one by one, people could sit opposite her and look into her eyes. It was a powerful experience even with strangers, but then her former love Ulay arrived without her knowledge. This video shows the moment she sees him. Apparently they had had a passionate love affair back in the 70s, but when they felt the relationship was fizzling, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting in the middle for a last hug and never seeing each other again. Here they are, meeting once again.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


That's my style! I felt in love with H&M Counsious Exclusive Collection for this Spring 2013.
Dresses meant to be wear in special occasions and parties, they are glamourous and eco-friendly: what do you want more?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Really suggested to everyone, not only for kitchen's lovers.
Here you can find everything you need or something to gift somebody you REALLY love.
I'd like to buy everything but I was worried about carring around dishes and things that could get broken in the baggages.

Visit the website and buy glasses, dishes, bottles, mugs, coffee cups and more!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Have a nice easter weekend!

Urbania - 2 filles le matin
Mathieu St-Onge traite du fantasme de l'homme qui souhaite coucher avec deux lesbiennes / A fantasm story about a man who wants to sleep with two lesbians

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013


The biggest museum ever, my feet was so tired and I can't stand another piece of art after a couple of hours.
But I've seen all of my favorite painting and I started to cry in front of a Renoir as a fool!
Such a great experience, everything you are interested in, you would find it here.
Really suggested.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

have a relaxing sunday!

What are you up to do this sunday? I'm going to have a wonderful afternoon at my favorite vintage fair here..hope to find something interesting and cheap there!
Have a good one, here you are some cool links around the web.
Take a Look!
lots of love

A very simple and elegant flowers arrangement.


What a relaxing home!

A pop-up NYC.

An unusually modern mermaid.

Perfect baggage for the seaside.

Another vintage event by my friend

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The raddest museum ever.
We spent there more than 5 hours and time went by very fast as well.
I was very happy when I found out that I have a 50%off on the ticket because I'm studying architecture: sometimes school helps:)
If you want to see pieces of design, art and architecture, this is the right place for you. 
Just rememeber that it's free on friday afternoon (4/8 p.m.)but you will find a lot of people and probably you won't totally enjoy the visit.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


If you get hungry in Soho, NYC, the perfect place to go and eat great food is Boqueria, Spring Street.
The location is really nice and relaxed, the food is cooked in front of your table in the open pro kitchen and it's so fresh. It seems to me like home and I guess I will never forget the taste of the " patatas bravas", potatoes with an amazing gravy on them. 

More on:

Saturday, February 16, 2013


One of the store I've found out during my days in NYC is A.P.C.
You have to go in Soho, Mercer Street, and try on some of the perfect-french-style clothes that you will find inside the shop. This Parisian brand sells what French girls really  DO wear: shirtdresses, cape coat and ballet flats. Pay attention to the prices!

more here:

On the top

Two months ago I was here, on the top of the world. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Love is in the hair

Have you guys seen the Disney short Paperman? It's a charming romantic comedy set in 1940's New York, and it has been nominated for Best Animated Short at the Oscars. Watch it here, if you have six minutes:)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Have a Wonderful weekend!

I have to study a lot for some exams in February and I guess my weekend won't be so wonderful but..
I wish you the best!

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